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Lori talks about republicans, Trump, patriots, and more

Repub­li­cans should have a strong­hold, once they are in what is next. Should­nt we be inves­ti­gat­ing Biden and those repub­li­cans that are smear­ing and destroy­ing Don­ald J Trump. They have to keep Jan 6 in the head­lines to remind the Amer­i­can peo­ple that if you sup­port DJT you are next. Any­one that is against the poli­cies that is being pushed out of the White House is a threat and it is a sig­nal to put every­one in their place.

You are start­ing to hear and wit­ness peo­ple that call them­selves repub­li­cans that have bought into the scam of the gov­ern­ment pro­vid­ing the needs of the peo­ple and not cut­ting back on gov­ern­ment spend­ing. From the far left agen­da there is not any com­pro­mise. We fight because, It is about the chil­drens and grand­chil­drens future. And its time for every­one to stand up and say ENOUGH IS ENOUGH.

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