Home / News / BKP talks about Hunter Biden and CNN story, WHY NOW? part of Joe’s exit plan?

BKP talks about Hunter Biden and CNN story, WHY NOW? part of Joe’s exit plan?


Tim­ing when does Joe Biden leave office. How does this end? We know that Chuck Grass­ley is clos­ing in on Hunter. It start­ed at the Post. Hunter’s biz part­ner called Biden the Big Guy in pan­icked text after Post’s lap­top sto­ry. The Post releas­es the sto­ry about the lap­top and it is shut down on social media. Every­thing about this sto­ry is killed imme­di­ate­ly. 50 retired mem­bers of the nation­al secu­ri­ty of this coun­try came out and signed a doc­u­ment lying that the infor­ma­tion was Russ­ian and Joe is installed as pres­i­dent of the Unit­ed states. 

Zelen­sky and his wife have time to pose for Vogue magazine. 

Blinken is going to meet with his coun­ter­part in Russia. 

Hunter Biden asso­ciates pan­icked when the lap­top sto­ry came out send­ing text mes­sages link­ing Joe Biden as the Big Guy. 

CNN ran a sto­ry Hunter Biden shows over­due tax­es, deep debt, insuf­fi­cient funds. Deep State has said to Biden that have the infor­ma­tion and can play it at any time and Joe would leave the presidency. 

The IRS has been used to tar­get Amer­i­cans. Years of high income. 50K a month to sit on the ener­gy board in Ukraine. Need to file past tax­es. Owe back tax­es. And they took Hunter’s pass­port. If the IRS takes your pass­port you have got­ten into some­thing crim­i­nal­ly internationally. 

Usu­al­ly they don’t bring these kinds of charges this close to an elec­tion. Joe is not a tar­get of the inves­ti­ga­tion accord­ing to sources. Grass­ley and Jor­dan the Hunter inves­ti­ga­tion will hap­pen. The house is going back to the repub­li­cans. They will be send­ing more crim­i­nal refer­rals to the doj that will spend your head. They just need a pres­i­den that will par­don the entire Biden crime family.
What would you have to do to make the kind of mon­ey that would cause $471K in 2018 tax­es. CNN hasn’t gone into the dis­tance. But it says they have everything. 

The dis­hon­est media is the biggest threat to this coun­try. It is the basis of this show. 

The media is prepar­ing Biden’s exit strat­e­gy. The when, where and how is still to come. 

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