Home / News / BKP talks about Manchin’s surprise deal, a democrat will always be a democrat and more

BKP talks about Manchin’s surprise deal, a democrat will always be a democrat and more

BKP has always giv­en thanks for Joe Manchin when he does some­thing to stand up against the Biden admin­is­tra­tion. BKP has giv­en warn­ings for repub­li­cans not to get too com­fort­able with Manchin because he is still a demo­c­rat.

Wal­ly has offi­cial­ly passed away. Tony Dow is offi­cial­ly gone.

We know Joe is checked out and we know he is gone. Hunter Biden asso­ciate referred to the big guy in the sec­ond mes­sage dur­ing pan­ic about lap­top hard dri­ve leaks ahead of 2020 pres­i­den­tial elec­tion.

Sur­prise Deal. Joe Manchin has come around to the demo­c­rat way of think­ing. He has agreed to pass the infla­tion reduc­tion act. That will sound great going into Novem­ber. If you find out that Mitch McConnell got steam rolled by Schumer and Manchin. Lead­ing and lur­ing the repub­li­cans into a sense of com­fort and not buck­ling under pres­sure. BKP always opens up telling peo­ple There is nev­er a good rea­son to vote for a demo­c­rat. dont mat­ter if it is a coun­ty com­mis­sion­er or a dog catch­er. There is no such thing as a good demo­c­rat to vote for; they will all fall in line even­tu­al­ly. When talked about Joe Manchin becom­ing a repub­li­can, if you would look at the Manchin fam­i­ly tree in West Vir­ginia you will see.

The but­ton says STOLEN. But while you’re out there try­ing to fig­ure out if DJT and the state leg­is­la­ture of Wis­con­sin will uncer­ti­fy the 2020 elec­tion and the state of AZ will uncer­ti­fy the 2020 elec­tion. These pho­ny fake talk show hosts, the real scary thing that is going on in Amer­i­ca is the seed that has been planned of the Green New Deal. The seed has been sown, the dirt was fer­tile and they have watered it and now it is com­ing through and the crop is full. One of the scari­est things in this deal is that you need to pay atten­tion too. The green new deal is in place.

July 18, BKP put out a manchin warn­ing. Joe Manchin has stabbed us in the back. 10 days ago BKP said we have to stop rely­ing on Manchin to save us from Joe Biden.

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