Home / News / BKP talks about the Afghanistan drone strike, What the Media wants you to believe, and more

BKP talks about the Afghanistan drone strike, What the Media wants you to believe, and more

They want to attract inde­pen­dent vot­ers with the Ronald Rea­gan com­par­i­son.
We have to win the Sen­ate. 98 days to win the Sen­ate.
Ques­tion: When is the last thing the gov­ern­ment told you that you feel you can trust. What is the last thing that the deep state cor­po­rate cor­rupt media has report­ed that you can trust? As BKP ana­lyzes reports the ques­tion is what is the media try­ing to get me to believe.
The top sto­ry is the drone strike of the Al Qae­da leader. Why today is the sto­ry released today? The strike was done on Fri­day night. Why the delay in report­ing? It is a set up news cycle. What to trust here in the report­ing. The US has been look­ing for this guy since 2001, 21 years that the CIA and intel­li­gence could­nt find him dur­ing this time. And that the men and women who lost their lives with the with­draw­al from Afghanistan. They want you to believe that it was­nt until last Fri­day that he was found.
They need a cou­ple of wins going into novem­ber. They need to make it look like Joe Biden is lucid. That hte is pay­ing atten­tion, that he is com­pe­tent. And that when he looks far away he is actu­al­ly engaged. Is the report­ing sup­posed to make us believe that Joe is in con­trol and bring the democ­rats home. And that Joe is doing what it takes to get infla­tion under con­trol. Even Brett Baier says Biden had a cou­ple of good weeks. What are they try­ing to get you to believe?
We will find you and take you out… at the appro­pri­ate time. The Most want­ed ter­ror­ist, US kills al qae­da leader in drone strike. Do they want you to believe the CIA, the same CIA that called Hunter BIdens lap­top Russ­ian pro­pa­gan­da and elec­tion met­alling? Most of those mem­bers that are on the let­ter say­ing that it is russ­ian pro­pa­gan­da are the same mbmerb that have been look­ing for this guy since 2001. The same nation­al intel­li­gence that Col­in Pow­ell said that the weapons of mass destruc­tion are buried in the sand. No way does this increase the trust of the media. Biden says there is clear evi­dence and the launch was on Fri­day night. And today 98 days before an elec­tion and a heat­ed pri­ma­ry race today in AZ.
Every­thing the media puts out is a clear and present dan­ger to this coun­try right now. They are method­i­cal­ly tim­ing out sto­ries. They are try­ing to con­trol your mind and get you to play along. That Biden is an inde­pen­dent and a mod­er­ate and lucid and engaged and you and I are wrong when it comes to Joe and he is checked out upstairs.
What’s in the book bags? A Guest com­ing on the show tomor­row will give us some infor­ma­tion about the schools this year. Is there a teacher out there that intro­duces them­selves with pro­nouns? The guest will dis­cuss what is in the papers that the stu­dents will be bring­ing home to be signed by the par­ents.
How did we get to a guy that had a stroke and a pot­head that is lead­ing the polls. John Fet­ter­man is about as crazy as they come. He is the PA Lt. Gov­er­nor, he has­nt done any cam­paign­ing, only 2 fundrais­ers behind closed doors. Only releas­ing 2 minute videos. Then there is Dr, OZ out on the cam­paign trail 14 hours a day. He is talk­ing to peo­ple every­where. How is Oz down by almost 9 points to the stroked out Fet­ter­man.

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