Home / Featured Segments / BKP speaks at the Liberty Group Tea Party Meeting on August 3, 2022

BKP speaks at the Liberty Group Tea Party Meeting on August 3, 2022

When BKP was grow­ing up you nev­er made a sound when the Pres­i­dent was speak­ing or when the night­ly news was on. He remem­bers when he was 8 years old he looked at his dad and said he did­nt under­stand the politi­cian. His dad responds that when the politi­cian says they are try­ing to improve Amer­i­ca they are tak­ing your mon­ey by rais­ing your tax­es.

BKP stud­ies the media. Remem­ber when we wor­ried about Jim­my Carter and his broth­ers beer. It is so bad that we have a com­pro­mised man in the White House and how his sons lap­top cre­ates a dan­ger­ous time in Amer­i­ca.

The deep state cor­po­rate cor­rupt media is the biggest threat to this coun­try today.

BKP grew up in North Jer­sey and worked in New York city. He remem­bers in the late 80s, stum­bling on to the Rush Lim­baugh show. BKP calls into the Rush show on Bill Clin­tons first 100 days of office. He calls to say how dis­ap­point­ed in the media report­ing of Clin­ton’s first 100 days. Rushs response was Bri­an, What do you expect? BKP want­ed much more but that has stuck with him over the years and fuels his desire to do what he does.

How did Make Amer­i­ca Great Again bad. Most of us pon­der on our most fond­est mem­o­ries. We have to go vote. The democ­rats have a plan. They need the gov­er­nor’s office, the lt gov­er­nor’s office to allow things to go to the floor on the sen­ate and the attor­ney gen­er­al to allow the things to go through. We have to talk to peo­ple and con­ve­nience them to go vote to save our REPUBLIC.

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