Home / News / Lori talks about voters getting engaged, dangers crossing the border, and more

Lori talks about voters getting engaged, dangers crossing the border, and more

If you want to be more engaged, come out and edu­cate your­self when can­di­dates come to your area. Kemp will be in the North GA area today, vis­it­ing Toc­coa, Clay­ton and Blairsville. Go meet them and ask those seri­ous ques­tions on what their plans are to help you and your needs.

The dan­gers of hav­ing an open bor­der. A 12 year old lit­tle girl from AL was held cap­tive in her own home where her moth­er and broth­er were decom­pos­ing. She was held incom­pasti­tat­ed with alco­hol and bound to a bed. The girl escaped by chew­ing through the bands dam­ag­ing her braces. The court appoint­ed attor­ney has not been reached for com­ment. The crim­i­nal is being held in a local jail. It was nev­er report­ed in the news sto­ry that the man is an ille­gal immi­grant.

We heard about the 10 year old girl in OH and now anoth­er lit­tle girl sur­fer­ring more hor­rif­ic acts of vio­lence.

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