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BKP has a conversation with Herschel Walker, GA Senate Candidate

Get to know Her­schel Walk­er in this con­ver­sa­tion between Her­schel and BKP. So much to talk about but as Her­schel said, He is the can­di­date that is lis­ten­ing to Geor­gians and He is the can­di­date that will fight for Geor­gians.

We have the big lie and the recent one is the Infla­tion Reduc­tion Act. We know in GA, they are deter­mined to try to save the Sen­ate seat with Raphael Warnock. We know that the democ­rats and the lib­er­al media know that the House will go back to repub­li­can con­trol. So it is a race to save the Sen­ate. Her­schel Walk­er is attacked dai­ly by some group.

In response to Her­schel Walk­ers state­ment regard­ing the raid at Trump’s home in Mar-a-Lago yes­ter­day, what peo­ple have to real­ize is that they do this and the infla­tion reduc­tion act they are com­ing after the mid­dle class. Dont think that they are just com­ing after the pres­i­dent of the Unit­ed States. They did­nt hire bor­der con­trol agents and the men in blue, but they hired IRS agents. The Amer­i­can peo­ple are strug­gling with food and gas prices. And come Novem­ber we have to put the right peo­ple in office to get this right.

Warnock knew months ago that this bill would­nt cap insulin prices on pri­vate insur­ers. But the media and Warnock lie, say­ing that the repub­li­cans stopped the cap on insulin. This bill will raise a lot of health­care costs and it wont do any­thing for infla­tion. It will hurt the Geor­gia vot­ers and Geor­gia man­u­fac­tur­ers. The Geor­gia vot­ers need to wake up right now because the lib­er­als and Warnock are try­ing to take away our free­doms.

The Atlanta Press Club has donat­ed to the Warnock cam­paign. Warnock has not con­firmed the Savan­nah debate. Warnock wont agree to debate Walk­er in front of a live audi­ence in Warnocks home­town of Savan­nah.

Warnock has vot­ed with Joe Biden and not for Geor­gia. He has vot­ed for putting men in wom­en’s sports. And he has vot­ed for the high gas prices.

Teamherschel.com to sup­port Her­schel’s cam­paign to fight for the vot­ers of Geor­gia.

The hold up is that Warnock does­nt want to go in front of the peo­ple to talk about his vot­ing record. He does­n’t rep­re­sent the peo­ple of GA. He wants to stay in Wash­ing­ton DC with the elites. Since Warnock has been in office, every­thing they are touch­ing right now they are destroy­ing.

Her­schel does­n’t run from the attacks. He takes them head on. When they attack Her­schel they are scared of him. When they attack it only helps Her­schel.

Her­schel wants to remove the stig­ma of men­tal health, the vet­er­ans of Amer­i­ca, we need to become Amer­i­cans and not sep­a­rate based on race, gen­der.

The democ­rats want to con­trol your life, the repub­li­cans want to serve you. The democ­rats con­tin­ue to tear things down and destroy Amer­i­ca. Let’s put peo­ple in office that will do the right thing for the peo­ple of GA.

The lib­er­al media is not the friend of Her­schel Walk­er. The democ­rats have spent over 30 mil­lion dol­lars to cam­paign against Her­schel but the polling num­bers are equal. Warnock is say­ing that he wants to sep­a­rate him­self from Biden but he con­tin­ues to vote for the Biden poli­cies.

Wok­e­ness in the Mil­i­tary is a sad thing and will get a lot of our men and women killed. Iran, Rus­sia and Chi­na dont care about Wok­e­ness. We need to con­tin­ue to sup­port our mil­i­tary, our men and women and blue, and sup­port our kids.

Warnock is with Joe Biden and Her­schel Walk­er is with Geor­gia. Get Warnock to debate Her­schel in his home­town on Octo­ber 14. Go to TeamHerschel.com.

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