Home / News / THE ALL STAR POLITICAL PANEL discuss the Trump Raid, Washington Machine, and more

THE ALL STAR POLITICAL PANEL discuss the Trump Raid, Washington Machine, and more

What if Trump knew all this time that the 12 box­es would soon­er or lat­er come and get them. Because my fundrais­ing would go through the roof. Trump is smart enough to know that the admin­is­tra­tion will make fools of them­selves. You cant get a sub­poe­na on some­thing that isn’t a crime. Trump is play­ing chess and every­one else is play­ing give­away check­ers. This law for pres­i­den­tial records is a spin off from Nixon. As a pres­i­dent of the Unit­ed States has the author­i­ty to declas­si­fy records. They want you to believe that Trump moved those doc­u­ments and every­thing was inven­to­ried and packed by the White House and shipped down to Mar-a-Lago. Instead of get­ting a fed­er­al judge to sign it they get a mag­is­trate judge to sign it and recuse him­self from the Clin­ton Trump law­suit because he was biased against trump and then turns around and signs this war­rant.

The machine in Wash­ing­ton has con­trol of this coun­try and we need to elect peo­ple that are not politi­cians that can go in there and clean up the gov­ern­ment.

The Infla­tion Reduc­tion Act has made it from the Sen­ate to the House today. We have a wide open bor­der and we are adding 87K. The repub­li­cans added an amend­ment to add bor­der patrol and it was turned down. They will have lots of peo­ple that will come after the cash busi­ness­es. Reduc­ing the drugs will not even start until 2026.

Do we now have a new first son? When our elite trav­el abroad they have a spouse escort but Nan­cy Pelosi takes her son who had 700K shares of a Chi­nese tele­com com­pa­ny to sit on their board. Pauli Jr was­nt list­ed on any man­i­fest and none of the US pic­tures have him in it but all the for­eign pic­tures have him.

What’s going on with the Ukraine war but what is not off the front pages is that Europe prices for ener­gy is up 70% and is com­ing to our shores.

Trump cleans the table in AZ, won in WI, MI, CT, WI, what hap­pened in GA? The low coun­try boil of WI Kleefisch had all the RINO endorse­ments with Pence.

Win­ners and Losers

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