Home / News / This is where We are at — BIDEN SIGNS LANDMARK BILL

This is where We are at — BIDEN SIGNS LANDMARK BILL

This is a mat­ter of fact kind of show. Every­body knows that Liz Chaney is done. Har­ri­et Hage­man 2–1, Liz Chaney is done. 8 house repub­li­cans are leav­ing con­gress after vot­ing to impeach Don­ald Trump. 4 retired and 4 lost and 2 made it through. On one side it’s a glee­ful cel­e­bra­tion, ding dong Liz is gone; the oth­er side is the funer­al for Liz. If 10 repub­li­cans vot­ed to impeach Don­ald Trump and 8 are gone, where does that leave us when the con­ven­tion is over and the con­fet­ti falls and it’s time to clean up. Lis­ten­ing to these over emo­tion­al peo­ple pulling on your emo­tion because they want the view­er­ship. Where are you at when you lis­ten all day long to the raid in Mar-a-Lago and what doc­u­ments are here and there. Where are we at if we lis­ten to the flamethrow­ers with Trump is going to get indict­ed and Rudy is going to get indict­ed. Repub­li­cans keep book­ing flights to go to these con­ven­tions, choir meet­ings and we dont know the song or where to stand. Putting your hat on that says Make Amer­i­ca Great Again and watch­ing Fox news 10 hours a day is not par­tic­i­pat­ing in Mak­ing Amer­i­ca Great Again.

Biden signs land­mark tax, health, and cli­mate bill — that is where we are at. There are peo­ple that go to pep ral­lies, you have to play the game until the buzzer stops. Repub­li­cans yelling 7 days a week they need mon­ey and if you dont give it to me I cant save the repub­lic.

Joe Manchin, what a piece of shit, you hang your hat on Joe Manchin and Krys­ten Sine­ma. Writ­ing let­ters for them to stand with Amer­i­ca. Stand with the peo­ple.

Bidens Big Wins, how did they get labeled big wins. They have been work­ing on this plan for a long time. When you were cheer­lead­ing they have been plan­ning. And cheer­ing the red wave, the red tsuna­mi and we are on the verge of los­ing. We were cheer­ing and all of a sud­den there were blank stares like the stock mar­ket col­lapse. It is the same deep state that turned the tables for Biden, Oba­ma, and Brus­sels, and turned the tables for Novem­ber. They are the same peo­ple that cre­at­ed the prob­lem and are now solv­ing the prob­lem. The big wins are a big hoax but the deep state media cel­e­brat­ing the Big Wins, Infla­tion reduc­tion act, chips act, pact act, bipar­ti­san gun law, killed Al Qae­da leader, gas prices plum­met­ing, huge job num­ber, low unem­ploy­ment, con­fir­ma­tion of Jus­tice Ken­tan­ji Brown Jack­son, lead­ing sup­port for Ukraine, expan­sion of NATO, Amer­i­can Res­cue Plan, Bipar­ti­san infra­struc­ture law, sen­ate nego­ti­at­ing update to the elec­toral count act. That is where you are at.

The focus has to be on Novem­ber. The democ­rats have con­ced­ed the house. They have lost almost every spe­cial elec­tion, the major­i­ty is now down to 4. The house is dif­fer­ent, there are so many regions in the coun­try that will get rid of democ­rats. The mar­gin of the win will deter­mine what they will do with the win. They are work­ing on the sen­ate to keep the sen­ate. The flamethrow­ers arent talk­ing about the Sen­ate and attach­ing each oth­er and not back­ing our can­di­dates.

We have the mes­sage. On July 18th, BKP said that repub­li­cans need to stop rely­ing on Joe Manchin to save us from Joe Biden and we have to win the Sen­ate in a way that makes Mitt Rom­ney and Susan Collins irrel­e­vant. Repub­li­cans, we have a prob­lem. We have to turn the ship today, not tomor­row. The democ­rats have turned their ship while the repub­li­cans were out par­ty­ing. Will it work? Its up to you, only you can talk to your neigh­bor to the per­son at the gro­cery store at the gas pump. Rur­al Amer­i­ca can come out and save this coun­try. You cant save the coun­try by watch­ing Fox News 10 hours a day.

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