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WE HAVE A PROBLEM — ALL Republicans need to back our candidates


MSM keeps talk­ing about all of Biden’s big wins. Months ago they report­ed how bad every­thing was doing. And by doing so they have helped the democ­rats cre­ate this major cri­sis. Remem­ber in the Trump admin­is­tra­tion the minor­i­ty groups growth and the job mar­ket was grow­ing. The Trump econ­o­my in Amer­i­ca was so strong and that engine was run­ning so smooth that it was hard to tamp it out. But now the media cre­at­ed the cri­sis for the democ­rats to come in and save the day. 

We are hav­ing prob­lems folks. The polls are down by 10 in PA, OH, AZ, all in the swing states. MSM will report the extrem­ism of the repub­li­can par­ty bat­ter­ing and abus­ing the police. 

All the things you think repub­li­cans should do hap­pens in the house of rep­re­sen­ta­tives. And the house holds the purse strings and we need the repub­li­cans to have the guts to stop the spend­ing for these bills that have been pushed. We need a big win for con­ser­v­a­tives in the house, to allow for votes to be peeled off. We have to have a strong enough house of con­ser­v­a­tives that will have the back to stand for the Amer­i­can peo­ple. The DCCC will focus on try­ing to min­i­mize the loss­es in the house, but the repub­li­cans will take the major­i­ty. We have the mes­sage, they have lies; if we do not turn our ship we won’t win enough seats to ensure that we can drain the swamp, do the inves­ti­ga­tions need­ed, stop the spend­ing, etc. 

We have to get behind our can­di­dates across the nation. We all need to get behind JD Vance, Blake Mas­ters, Dr. OZ, Mar­co Rubio, and Her­schel Walk­er. If we win every one of these races we will bring a +2 major­i­ty to remove the reliance on Mitt Rom­ney and Susan Collins. Main­stream Media is try­ing to make the Flori­da Sen­ate race to get repub­li­cans to shift their mon­ey away from oth­er races. 

Remem­ber when Oba­ma nom­i­nat­ed Mer­rick Gar­land for Supreme Court Jus­tice. Whether you like it or not Mitch McConnell stopped it wait­ing on a repub­li­can pres­i­dent. Clarence Thomas is wait­ing on a repub­li­can pres­i­dent and a major­i­ty in the sen­ate to retire. Joe Biden appoint­ed Ken­tan­ji Brown Jack­son. But what you want to do is go after Dr. Oz, JD Vance, Her­schel Walk­er, Blake Mas­ters, but if you do that and some­thing hap­pens to Jus­tice Thomas who the hell do you think Biden will appoint next. The democ­rats are run­ning out of firsts. 

We have the issues. It is called the real world. We have the real kitchen table issues. 

Wal­mart show­ing pos­i­tive results to relieve some reces­sion woes. If the hous­ing mar­ket is down 10% they don’t need xyz, raw mate­ri­als. But at the same time they tell you that hous­ing is in a reces­sion. Hous­ing dri­ves the econ­o­my because you don’t have the hous­ing that needs xyz, it is the spin­dle that turns the econ­o­my. Here is what hap­pened, more mon­ey was spent at Wal­mart but it was spent on groceries. 

BTW, EV com­pa­nies have already raised their prices on their vehi­cles and for­eign coun­tries are enjoy­ing the bill. 

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