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Marriage Equality Act is a Pretty Name for an Evil Bill

We are not a monar­chy, we are a repub­lic. Posi­tions are not trans­fer­able. The peo­ple need to decide.

The Oath Keep­ers were charged with sedi­tion.

And Trump broke bread with Fuentes and Kanye. They have found every repub­li­can pos­si­ble to denounce Trump. Trump says he is run­ning.

Sen­ate pass­es bill to pro­tect same sex and inter­ra­cial mar­riage. As you can see it is 61–36.

SD gov­er­nor bans Tik­Tok. State agen­cies for­bid­den from using Chi­na owned social media plat­forms over the grow­ing nation­al secu­ri­ty threat. If you are a gov­ern­ment employ­ee and have a gov­ern­ment phone you can not have it on your phone or view it on your phone.

On the face val­ue it sounds good. It looks as though it is bipar­ti­san leg­is­la­tion. Now Samuel Ali­tos opin­ion was leaked out of Dobbs’ opin­ion. There was a peri­od of time when the opin­ion was leaked, the media ran with it and it was decid­ed that that would be the opin­ion that would be released. Now with an elec­tion loom­ing, why did­nt they cod­i­fy Roe v Wade. They did­nt do any­thing on the floor along the lines with abor­tion. Now to cod­i­fy same sex mar­riage and inter­ra­cial mar­riage. So what they are say­ing that peo­ple were fear­ful of not being rec­og­nized across state lines that their mar­riage would not be rec­og­nized. Why did­nt they cod­i­fy Roe v Wade? Why did­nt they pro­tect wom­en’s repro­duc­tive rights? Why did­nt this bill be a tri­fec­ta? Could­nt they not get the 61? Or could it be that they nev­er intend­ed too? Was it all a lie to make sure that abor­tion was on the bal­lot? Democ­rats will nev­er do any­thing with abor­tion because it a gift that keeps on giv­ing. Here is the big­gie, this is where it is unbe­liev­able that we arent hear­ing the out­rage from the State gov­er­nors, state sen­a­tors, rep­re­sen­ta­tives, lt gov­er­nors, attor­ney gen­er­als. You see if you are mar­ried in anoth­er state that is ok with the mar­riage this bill requires the oth­er state to rec­og­nize the mar­riage rights. Once Joe Biden signs this, if we dont see Gov­er­nors and Attor­ney Gen­er­als come out to say they can­not mask this bill under a head­line Mar­riage Equal­i­ty Act or any oth­er pret­ty lit­tle title. The truth is required a state to rec­og­nize the laws of anoth­er state This opens the door for a long list of things. If a gov­er­nor or AG comes out the media will attack them. Won­der if con­sti­tu­tion­al car­ry that is rec­og­nized in GA will be required to be rec­og­nized in anoth­er state? This kind of leg­is­la­tion opens doors to oth­er issues. The fed­er­al gov­ern­ment forces your state to accept the laws and rules of anoth­er state.

The oth­er side of this. Reli­gious lead­ers, you have a prob­lem here. You need to read para­graph and last 2 pages. Tra­di­tion­al mar­riage is between a man and a woman, it needs to be pro­tect­ed.

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