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Wake Up America — A Crisis is Always Looming

We are going into the Christ­mas sea­son and you dont want to talk about pol­i­tics or think about elec­tions but we have an elec­tion that needs our atten­tion. We must do all we can to get Her­schel Walk­er across the fin­ish line. Decem­ber 6 is elec­tion day for Her­schel Walk­er.

We know the democ­rats are doing all they can to get Warnock across the fin­ish line, even going as far as pay­ing $28 per hour to knock on doors for Warnock.

The founder of the Oath Keep­ers was charged with Sedi­tion yes­ter­day.

Please go read what is in the Nation­wide Rail Strike bill. Con­tact your House of Rep to stop this bill. The DC lead­ers are in a meet­ing, head­line say­ing that Biden is con­fi­dent strike will be avoid­ed. Decem­ber 16th is when the debt ceil­ing will expire. Amer­i­ca wake up. There is always a cri­sis loom­ing to get fund­ed when the debt ceil­ing is up for a vote. We are days/weeks away from DC need­ing your mon­ey in an emer­gency appro­pri­a­tions bill. They love a cri­sis in Decem­ber.

Flu con­tin­ues to spread across the US infect­ing mil­lions CDC reports. WE have RSV, covid, flu they want anoth­er 9 bil­lion in covid spend­ing.

On Sep­tem­ber 15, Joe Biden came out on the white house lawn in the rose gar­den. What hap­pens 45–50 days from Sep­tem­ber 15 is an elec­tion. They knew that Decem­ber 9th would get them through the elec­tion. What they knew in the rose gar­den and what the media knew was a deal was struck to get them past the elec­tion.

They manip­u­lat­ed the elec­tion with a war in Ukraine. War­mon­gers love to finance war and all the troops were lined up on the bor­der and they knew that they would laun­der mon­ey through Ukraine. Dis­graced FTX founder paid 5 mil­lion cash for an ana­lyt­ics firm with vot­er infor­ma­tion. They knew what would hap­pen with the war in Ukraine. Biden went to Sau­di to manip­u­late an elec­tion and to steer peo­ple away from the sub­ject mat­ter that was hap­pen­ing at home. What if the strike would have hap­pened pri­or to the elec­tion.

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