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What Has Happened to Freedom of Speech?

Every can­di­date that has come on the show has had the free­dom of speech. They have nev­er been cut off, even democ­rats that have come on the show. It is inter­est­ing to watch the amount of back­lash because you ask ques­tions or inquire. Elon Musk is work­ing on self-dri­ving cars. He will have more data research on self-dri­ving vehi­cles than the gov­ern­ment can ever do in test­ing the tech­nol­o­gy.

When he decid­ed to buy Twit­ter, it was worth keep­ing an eye on the media reac­tion.

Now what would the tech­nol­o­gy for self-dri­ving vehi­cles do to hands free dri­ving or drunk dri­ving? The states will need to address the issues soon­er than lat­er.

States are talk­ing about trans­porta­tion tax due to the elec­tric vehi­cle influx that wont be gath­ered via gas tax.

We know Apple and Google have helped in sup­press­ing free speech. Twit­ter is equal­ly respon­si­ble. How many accounts were shut down? Twit­ter is re-instat­ing 62K accounts. Apple has stopped adver­tis­ing on Twit­ter. Adver­tis­ers don’t care and they are leav­ing twit­ter as the activ­i­ty is sky­rock­et­ing.

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