Home / News / Why hasnt Biden Condemned Chinas Zero Covid Policy?

Why hasnt Biden Condemned Chinas Zero Covid Policy?

The Mega Maga Bus Tour is this after­noon and the Moun­tain Patri­ot meet­ing tonight at 6pm. BKP will be there to answer any ques­tions.

Chi­na and their zero COVID pol­i­cy is an excuse to sup­press the Free­dom of Speech and stomp on the peo­ple and con­trol them. No con­dem­na­tion from the Biden admin­is­tra­tion. Why is the Biden admin­is­tra­tion stay­ing away from what is hap­pen­ing in Chi­na? Why dont we have bold state­ments sup­port­ing the peo­ple of Chi­na? Remem­ber we have sent our mil­i­tary many times to defend democ­ra­cy. By not say­ing any­thing they are sup­port­ing the crack­down on their peo­ple. Why is Apple work­ing with the Chi­nese gov­ern­ment and stop­ping free­dom of speech? Elon has told you that Twit­ter has been involved in manip­u­lat­ing elec­tions. When you watch Chi­na and Apple and the peo­ple want­i­ng free­dom. Where is the rib­bon for free­dom for Chi­na?

As long as you make his­to­ry, House democ­rats make his­to­ry. The first black man to serve as par­ty lead­er­ship in con­gress. Repub­li­cans don’t go for the his­to­ry mark, we go for the one that is right for the job. Hakeem Jef­fries is say­ing that he will work on things to move it for­ward, he says that repub­li­cans are going to get stuck on doing inves­ti­ga­tions. Whether you like it or not Nan­cy Pelosi is going home with the accom­plish­ments of what she want­ed to get done.

Repub­li­cans and democ­rats should agree on and have an end plan that they can agree on. Fed­er­al appeals court denies Biden attempt to restore stu­dent debt relief plan. The issue is that the uni­ver­si­ties have bloat­ed costs to attend use­less class­es and degrees. But instead of the mutu­al end game the democ­rats do the relief plan to buy votes know­ing that this will con­tin­ue to get denied in the court sys­tems. It should be against the law for what they are doing. They want those with stu­dent loans to say that Joe tried.

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