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Democrat-Led House Gets Trumps Tax Returns

The house com­mit­tee gets access to Trump’s tax returns. We cant find bil­lions of dol­lars that our fed­er­al gov­ern­ment asks the reserves to print. We dont have any mon­ey. The tax mon­ey does­nt pay all the bills. So when they say we will give so much aid to Ukraine we dont have the mon­ey so we print it. We cant audit the feds. The fed­er­al reserve is not fed­er­al at all. They knew when they cre­at­ed it and called it fed­er­al reserve peo­ple would think that it is the fed­er­al gov­ern­ment, but it oper­ates with­in itself. The fed­er­al reserve is total­ly in con­trol of our mon­e­tary pol­i­cy. We can not ask how much we owe or audit the sys­tem.

We have had 6 inter­est rate increas­es this year. Pow­ell sig­nals small­er rate hikes this month.

They have to have Trumps tax returns. The world will end if we dont have them. Every­thing else is irrel­e­vant. House democ­rats now have Trump’s tax return. At this moment in time it is unclear what they plan to do with Trumps tax returns. They can view the doc­u­ments. Watch the tax returns will be leaked to the pub­lic. They have to stop Trump at all costs.

If the own­er of Twit­ter has come out and said that they have inter­fered with elec­tions, this should spark an enor­mous inves­ti­ga­tion but no, they have Trump’s tax returns. Muf­fin dodges ques­tions on if Biden will try to shut down twit­ter if it hosts offen­sive con­tent. We know that Chi­na is using the Zero Covid pol­i­cy to stop free­dom of speech.

Zelen­skyy says Ukraine is prepar­ing a coun­terof­fen­sive to Rus­sia.

In Rus­sia, it is not ille­gal to be gay Rus­sia wants the US influ­ence and glob­al sodomy to keep it out of Rus­sia. Putin equates LBGTQ as Satanism call­ing it dev­il wor­ship­ing and a per­vert­ed reli­gion.

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