Home / Opinion / The Democrats are Nothing About Traditional America We Know and Love

The Democrats are Nothing About Traditional America We Know and Love

The Democ­rats sym­bol­ism is noth­ing about tra­di­tion­al Amer­i­ca. Noth­ing about try­ing to save tra­di­tion­al Amer­i­ca that you and I grew up with. Nan­cy says we are pass­ing the torch to a new gen­er­a­tion of lead­ers and who is Nan­cy Pelosi’s replace­ment Hakeem Jef­fries.

In the next spend­ing pack­age they were want­i­ng to add anoth­er $38 bil­lion to Ukraine. The laun­dry mat con­tin­ues to be open. The Sen­ate is like the zoo of its own Rinos. Ernst says we can do both, pro­tect­ing our coun­try and send­ing mon­ey to Ukraine.

At the end of the year we have to fund the gov­ern­ment. They make sure to take this to the end of the year. Raise the debt lim­it, defense autho­riza­tion act, Ukraine Aid, Covid Aid, elec­toral count act. Remem­ber 12 repub­li­cans helped with the Mar­riage Equal­i­ty act. I told you not just the dan­gers of rec­og­niz­ing same-sex mar­riage but the dan­ger of if what’s legal in your state and you go some­where else the oth­er states required to rec­og­nize laws of the state

Tues­day is elec­tion day and they are doing every­thing on every Net­work to take down Her­schel Walk­er. In 2020 Warnock cam­paign spent 204 mil­lion and in 2022 184 mil­lion, in 2 years two years the Warnock cam­paign spent 388 mil­lion dol­lars to get Raphael Warnock elect­ed. Fox News cam­paign ad for Warnock not a word about Warnock cus­tody bat­tle with wife or a slum­lord try­ing to evict peo­ple in the apart­ments down there. Did you hear just one neg­a­tive word about Raphael Warnock not a sin­gle one.

So here’s my ques­tion, is Joe Biden run­ning or are they clear­ing the way for some­body else that we haven’t pre­pared for yet?

The DNC had a meet­ing and have a pro­pos­al for the pri­ma­ry dates in 2024. Remem­ber Biden lost in Iowa, and we all remem­ber that Clyburn was to go to the fish fry to and pull Biden over the fin­ish line. It was right after the South Car­oli­na ral­ly that the media con­vinced you that all the black vot­ers were for Joe Biden.

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