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This Is The Fast And The Furious Corrupt Politicians.

San Fran shuts down open air drug mar­kets after it referred less than 1% for treat­ment.
James Bak­er is fired for cov­er­ing up the news and defy­ing Elon Musk. When will the media final­ly admit Twit­ter­gate is real? This guy was the ex-FBI lawyer who was Comeys deputy and involved in a Russ­ian col­lu­sion probe.
How did this guy get the mon­ey? Sam Bankman Fried has hired high-pro­file defense attor­ney Mark S Cohen who has defend­ed Ghis­laine Maxwell. If you are in the elite left priv­i­leged you have the mon­ey to hire your attor­ney.
Midterms deliv­er one last Trump loss, he nev­er should have run for this seat. If the repub­li­can par­ty does­nt choose you as their can­di­date they secret­ly sab­o­tage the
When you go over to the GOP in GA and want to be a GOP chair, you cant endorse a can­di­date and the state will let you know when you can endorse a can­di­date. Then in GA we have a pri­ma­ry, and the peo­ple select their can­di­date. The vot­ers’ choice was Her­schel. The rule is that once a can­di­date is select­ed the par­ty is to get after the can­di­date. But the state GOP did­nt stand behind Her­schel.
Gov­ern­ment Shut­down. Do you think it is a coin­ci­dence that we are a cou­ple of weeks out from Christ­mas and the coun­try lies in these two guys’ hands (Schumer and McConnell) in mov­ing for­ward. They want to avoid a point­less painful gov­ern­ment shut­down. This is the fast and the furi­ous cor­rupt politi­cians.
What an omnibus spend­ing bill. It is when every com­mit­tee in the gov­ern­ment sub­mits a bloat­ed bud­get. And the sen­a­tors back each oth­er for part­ner com­mit­tees. The staff goes through the bill and high­lights the issues for the sen­a­tors to vote on it.

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