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We Have To Deal With Where We Are In Ga. Herschel Walker Lost.

We have to deal with where we are in GA. Her­schel Walk­er lost.
In GA we have 6 or 7 peo­ple run­ning around act­ing as though they are the spokesper­son of the GOP. They leak to the media and posi­tion them­selves for an oppor­tu­ni­ty for them­selves.
In the real world, los­ing and con­tin­u­ing to lose you lose your job.
Unless Warnock choos­es to move and goes on Joe Bidens tick­et when he runs. Or if he runs as pres­i­dent. Unless he moves on, you stand the odds that he will be the Sen­a­tor of GA until he retires. The demo­graph­ics arent chang­ing in GA. and WE dont see the direc­tion of the GOP to make a change. Now Warnock will be impos­si­ble to beat as a sit­ting sen­a­tor.
Who is the sen­ate that fires up the red base? Name the Sen­a­tor that comes to mine. They brought in Tom Cot­ton and Rick Scott and Lind­sey Gra­ham. What about Niki Haley or Rona McDaniel?
Mitch McConnell is work­ing out a deal with Chuck Schumer to spend more of your mon­ey. Mitch McConnell is hap­py being the sen­ate minor­i­ty leader rather than being just a sen­a­tor. Schumer will make him deal after deal for lit­tle things.
Is there a state­ment out there from GOP chair, Gov­er­nor Kemp or a lead­ing repub­li­can in GA denounc­ing Geoff Dun­can? How much did his state­ment hurt the elec­tion?
We have to fig­ure out where we are at and where we are going and how to win elec­tions. We cant over­come the cor­rup­tion in down­town Atlanta. The GOP knows, not the local chap­ters, its the state lead­ers.
You put all the effort to import all the democ­rats into the state. Every time we call our­selves Hol­ly­wood of the east and cut the rib­bon from one of these lib­er­al deep dark blue states so they can take advan­tage of our tax sys­tem to vote blue. Then there is the cor­rup­tion in Atlanta and you need a judge to get the Sun­day or Sat­ur­day vot­ing. If you look at the votes that Warnock won, it’s the head start a judge gave him.

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