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Why isn’t the News Networks Doing the Research, Instead They Change the Narrative


Wel­come to all the new viewers.
It is elec­tion day in GA. 

Yes­ter­day Muf­fin said that the release of Elon Musk Twit­ter files is a dis­trac­tion of old news. And Twit­ter should be inter­est­ed in look­ing at the hate and anger on their plat­form. It is not old news that they sup­pressed infor­ma­tion to manip­u­late an elec­tion. The media use the infor­ma­tion to move the nar­ra­tive in the direc­tion they think would help their picked can­di­dates. It is the Media with An Agenda.
They sup­press the infor­ma­tion that will sup­press the truth to help their can­di­dates and the oppo­site for their oppo­nent paint­ing the nar­ra­tive that they are a bad person. 

Why is our news not doing the research?
Dai­ly­ing Read­ing: The Fau­ci Depo­si­tion Tran­script. We know they sup­pressed our speech on any­thing con­cern­ing COVID. Anoth­er arti­cle to check out, Twit­ter files and the FBI. Check this one out. The vac­ci­nat­ed now account for a major­i­ty of COVID deaths. 

How about when the media car­ries the false sto­ry? You were told that there was this red wave. What would it have done if a repub­li­can would have won in Ore­gon. They had to stop the nar­ra­tive and attack the can­di­dates to change the elec­tion. The demo­c­rat ran an ad attack­ing the repub­li­can on a false ad of a drug charge. The repub­li­can lost by 2% of the vote. 

Maybe the media can report on what they are plan­ning for the next elec­tion and report hon­est­ly for the Amer­i­can peo­ple. Joe Biden is a crook. You know what hap­pened in Ukraine and in Chi­na, the media con­tin­ues to be com­plic­it in a crime by not report­ing the truth to the Amer­i­can peo­ple who are strug­gling in the real world. 

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