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BKP Politics: Today’s Stories to Research

Raf­fensperg­er wants to switch to Rank Choice Vot­ing.
Bipar­ti­san agree­ment for gov­ern­ment fund­ing pack­age. McConnell is try­ing to take the pow­er of the purse away from the repub­li­can house of rep­re­sen­ta­tives. Pelosi has an omnibus one year bill. McConnell has a chance to work out a deal with the new repub­li­can major­i­ty con­gress. Mitch is close to work­ing out a deal with Pelosi. Mitch wants his own deals and is not inter­est­ed in work­ing with the repub­li­can major­i­ty in the House. We dont know what is in the omnibus spend­ing. WE are left once again trust­ing Mitch McConnell.
Fed­er­al deficit jumps $57 bil­lion in a year to hit $249 Bil­lion as tax rev­enues plum­met and Biden con­tin­ues to spend $501 bil­lion last month alone.
Drag queen was invit­ed to white house for bill sign­ing.
Bor­der is the biggest nation­al cri­sis since 9/11 repub­li­cans demand May­orkas to be impeached with up to 6 mil­lion this year.
Biden vows to pro­tect trans kids and stop crim­i­nal­iz­ing their sex change
Biden pre­pares to send the Patri­ot mis­sile defense sys­tem. Putin to help Iran to devel­op its nuclear pro­gram. The Saud­is will not accept a nuclear Iran.
Fuel is down because of the lack of use of gas in the world.
9 mil­lion bor­row­ers told their loan for­give­ness was approved, but that was a mis­take.
At no time is harm­ing our chil­dren or ani­mals are ok.

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