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They Want You To Believe that Bidens Economic Policies Are Working

Only when peo­ple lose their jobs, cant pay their bills, are their vehi­cles repos­sessed only when infla­tion cools. They want you to believe that Bidens poli­cies are work­ing. Not at all. The only thing that is hap­pen­ing here is the rate hikes are help­ing to slow infla­tion. WE are expect­ing anoth­er rate hike in Decem­ber. That will be 7 rate increas­es this year. And expect­ed to have more in 2023. You may have a record default in Jan­u­ary Feb­ru­ary this year. And you may have record spend­ing this Christ­mas. The cost of car­ry­ing a cred­it card, own­ing a home, run­ning a busi­ness with a cash flow account, you are bor­row­ing and oper­at­ing on prime plus, every­time you see the rate hike prime goes up. Pay atten­tion next year. The Biden admin­is­tra­tion is doing noth­ing at all.
Female cop near­ly dies from fen­tanyl expo­sure after a traf­fic stop. When will this hap­pen with one of our law enforce­ment or first respon­ders. This is hap­pen­ing all across this coun­try while Title 42 will expire next week. 10K ille­gal cross­ings a day, 2.4 mil­lion last year. Where are these peo­ple at, how can we locate them? Who pro­tects our chil­dren and fam­i­lies, our law enforce­ment because it is def­i­nite­ly not the Biden admin­is­tra­tion.
There are ques­tions sur­round­ing who record­ed the call, where it was record­ed from and if Raf­fensperg­er was at the loca­tion that the record­ing came from. The Trump indict­ment is com­ing.
Boe­bert clings to her seat after recount.
Their hope is to get the indict­ment done very soon because if they dont get him indict­ed there wont be any stop­ping him from being the can­di­date. There are enough peo­ple in every state that wont turn on him and he will win the nom­i­na­tion.

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