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Respect for Marriage Act Depletes States Rights

Atlanta will cut the water sup­ply to 27,000 homes for delin­quent water bills.
FBI reveals it has more infor­ma­tion on slain DNC staffer Seth Rich. FBI has the lap­top and the mur­der has nev­er been solved. He is pos­si­bly the one that passed the infor­ma­tion on to Wik­iLeaks.
These are evil peo­ple, what they are try­ing to do to our kids. This is noth­ing about respect­ing mar­riage. You will be led to believe that this is respect­ing mar­riage. This law was not nec­es­sary. It does­nt enshrine Amer­i­can Val­ues. It is all about reach­ing into your state and get­ting your state to accept the woke ide­ol­o­gy of the LBGTQ com­mu­ni­ty. This is not about the state rec­og­niz­ing some­thing, it is about deplet­ing states rights across the board. Once you force a state to accept anoth­er state’s law, there will be mon­ey tied to this only if you are abid­ing by and adher­ing to the law. This will force states to com­ply with cer­tain things to get the mon­ey.
If it costs you $400 more a month to live, you can rest easy tonight that Mar­riage is respect­ed. Will we end this Hol­ly­wood cha­rade and pro­tect our kids, it is yet to be seen.

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