Home / News / Why Didn’t Sam Bankman Fried Testify?

Why Didn’t Sam Bankman Fried Testify?


John J Ray man­aged the bank­rupt­cy for Enron, Mad­off. He man­ages the bank­rupt­cies for com­pa­nies that take mon­ey from peo­ple. Sam Bankman Fried’s open­ing state­ment, “I f’ed up” is now the excuse. They will bring the emo­tions and make you feel “poor guy” and not to men­tion his par­ents could lose every­thing. They made sure that SBF did not tes­ti­fy in front of con­gress. Embez­zled $8 Bil­lion dol­lars. Trust­ing peo­ple that want­ed to get into cryp­to lost their mon­ey because of the com­mer­cials and the Hol­ly­wood that was run­ning com­mer­cials for FTX. Why didn’t Sam tes­ti­fy? If he fun­neled mon­ey through the moth­er who has a non prof­it to fund get out the vote efforts for democ­rats. How much mon­ey went to those orga­ni­za­tions. We don’t get the truth because they threw a block. They have had days and weeks to arrest him, and they arrest him the day before.
Why don’t we have more gov­er­nors fol­low­ing suit that Ron DeSan­tis run­ning an inves­ti­ga­tion on what mis­in­for­ma­tion on COVID vac­cine. We should have inves­ti­ga­tions in every state, where we have our med­ical pro­fes­sion­als come talk about the harm­ful effects of these vac­cines. There are a lot of peo­ple that have been forced to take the vaccine. 


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