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Mitch is Happy Being Senate Minority Leader, to Get Sweetheart Deals

Joe mak­ing a Mock­ery of Mar­riage.
The tak­ing down of Trump. Mitch McConnell blames Trump for midterms, we could­nt con­trol pri­ma­ry results because of the for­mer pres­i­dent. Trump had every right to say he sup­port­ed a can­di­date. There is noth­ing in here to gen­er­ate more activ­i­ty in pri­maries. What are you say­ing Mitch? That only the grass­roots vot­ers came out. Mitch McConnell was nev­er on board with repub­li­cans win­ning back the sen­ate. You are the issue, if you can get back under con­trol. It is about their abil­i­ty to con­trol who is on the bal­lot and con­trol the out­come. Nev­er once did Mitch agree there would be a red wave. Mitch said before the pri­ma­ry was over that he would not sup­port any Trump endorsed can­di­date.
Con­gres­sion­al nego­tia­tors reach bipar­ti­san agree­ment on frame­work for fund­ing deal. Mitch McConnell has made a sweet­heart deal behind the Amer­i­can peo­ple back with Chuck Schumer.
We dont know which can­di­dates will get in the race. Things are qui­et in some areas. The hypo­thet­i­cal sce­nario in 2024, if there are six or sev­en can­di­dates in hopes to keep Don­ald Trump off the bal­lot. The more the mer­ri­er. They will not dilute the strength that Trump has.

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