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The Freakshow at the White House

What Joe Biden, Kamala Har­ris and the freak­show did at the white house. We have allowed the lib­er­al left, Hol­ly­wood, and Joe Biden rede­fined mar­riage.
SBF got arrest­ed yes­ter­day before he was set to answer ques­tions for the Amer­i­can peo­ple on how he manip­u­lat­ed elec­tions. He gave 5.2 mil­lion to Joe Biden, will Joe return that 5.2 mil­lion.
Elon Musk is now actu­al­ly doing stuff. There is much more in action than just talk­ing. WE could take these gov­ern­ment bureau­cra­cies and elim­i­nate 7 out of 10 employ­ees and it would func­tion just the same, maybe bet­ter. Just as Jim Jor­dan said in his tweet.
Thank you to Andrew Clyde for stay­ing true to his con­ser­v­a­tive val­ues and lead­ing the charge in fir­ing Sam Brin­ton.
Elon is clean­ing the house not only with employ­ees but from unneed­ed woke office sup­plies. Elon stops pay­ing rent on Twit­ter SF HQ and he con­sid­ers not pay­ing sev­er­ance pay to axed employ­ees. This is how the peo­ple in the real world do it. WE have to watch the mon­ey in busi­ness.
The democ­rats dont want the truth to come out. That the gov­ern­ment could run on 50% of the staff. There is a year-long spend­ing bill out there ready to be vot­ed on and we dont have any of the details. They can not take Elon telling the truth.
You dont kick some­ones dog. Bran­don Phillips is the 2nd dis­trict GOP chair. He was arrest­ed on Nov. 17 for mis­de­meanor charge of ani­mal cru­el­ty. The new con­gress­men elec­tion for USGA10 Mike Collins is fol­low­ing Jody Hice. Collins is set to hire Bran­don Phillips as chief of staff.
10 years ago Biden announced his sup­port for mar­riage equal­i­ty. Yes­ter­day he signed the Respect for Mar­riage Act. This bill shows no respect for tra­di­tion­al mar­riage in this coun­try.

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