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We Have A Voter Confidence Problem Not Voter Suppression

We have a vot­er con­fi­dence prob­lem not a vot­er sup­pres­sion prob­lem. How are we doing to rebuild the con­ve­nience of our elec­tions? Elon is rebuild­ing con­fi­dence in Twit­ter and expos­ing what real­ly hap­pened. What they want you to believe is what Twit­ter did, it did not hap­pen in the elec­tion. We are find­ing all these facts on covid and hunter Biden. And they are in fear that we will get the truth about what hap­pened.
Tim­ing is every­thing. US Capi­tol Police Sgt is retir­ing. He is get­ting paid. He will get wealthy. The tim­ing to release his state­ment is no coin­ci­dence.
Trump enact­ed Title 42 to close the bor­der and kept COVID and dis­eases from cross­ing into the coun­try.
Can you call your state and find out where these mil­lions of opal are>
Sam Brin­ton has been fired after mul­ti­ple lug­gage theft charges.
Jack Smith is run­ning 100 mph and is doing every­thing to indict Trump
SBF has been arrest­ed in Bahama. His girl­friend recruits the legal team of a for­mer SEC offi­cial and a lawyer who solve the Bernie Mad­off Ponzi scheme. Par­ents of SBF say legal fees will wipe them out. Dont for­get the par­ents are heav­i­ly involved in demo­c­rat donors.

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