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What Are We Looking For In The Next Leadership In The RNC?

What are we real­ly look­ing for in the next lead­er­ship in the RNC? Ron­na McDaniel is expect­ed to glide into a fourth term for a leader that has failed to over­see a suc­cess­ful elec­tion cycle. Why is she glid­ing into it? The enti­tle­ment and how deals are made for cer­tain peo­ple get out of the way to make sure an estab­lish­ment per­son stays in place for every office. Send BKP your thoughts
The G7 is set­ting up a mul­ti-agency plat­form to coor­di­nate aid to Ukraine. What that means is they are revamp­ing the laun­dry mat. We fun­nel your mon­ey through the laun­dry mat.
There are peo­ple say­ing that Joe Manchin will go inde­pen­dent, due to his fam­i­ly his­to­ry he will remain a demo­c­rat. Weapon financ­ing at the top, so the war­mon­gers are at the top. They will have all the finance min­is­ters to sup­ple­ment the Ukrain­ian 2023 bud­get and they will put togeth­er a new donor sys­tem. At the same time you dont have your 2023 bud­get. If we sup­ple­ment the bud­get should­nt it be open records? We send mon­ey through­out the world for schools and water sys­tems. You dont know what your bud­get is in your coun­try with your mon­ey. Sen­ate eye a one week bill to extend the dead­line for fund­ing the gov­ern­ment.
Poland is putting the largest land mass of troops, right there next to Ukraine.
We dont have a bud­get, they want to do a con­tin­ued res­o­lu­tion, they want more COVID mon­ey and to sup­ple­ment Ukraine 2023 bud­get all with your mon­ey.

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