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Rank Choice Voting in GA???

Sure looks like we are fund­ing and send­ing weapons to Ukraine like they are part of NATO

Jamie Raskin, one of Trump impeach­ment par­tic­i­pants.

Peo­ple are exhaust­ed from elec­tions and GA con­tin­ues to have runoffs. And let’s not have this exhaust­ing go to waste. Repub­li­cans won­der­ing how we can have a win again. So Raf­fensperg­er offers up a solu­tion to the run offs. There are only 2 states that have a run off. We need to close our pri­maries. Raf­fensperg­er calls to end the run off sys­tem and what is being dis­cussed is rank choice vot­ing at this oppor­tune time.

We know that Jamie Raskin is ever inter­est­ed in a bal­anced elec­tion. Democ­rats play a long game. Repub­li­cans play the game right in front of them and end up los­ing. There is a pow­er shift in the democ­rats. Raskin intro­duce Ranked Choice Vot­ing Bill in Sep­tem­ber 2019 (HR4644)

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