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What Could Be The Only Thing that Would Take Down Trump?

hey are try­ing to take down Trump.

Trump releas­es new polling infor­ma­tion on his Truth social. Trump show­ing 58–36 vs DeSan­tis

If Trump gets 6–7‑8 peo­ple in the race, he will be the nom­i­nee in the repub­li­can par­ty. Rank Choice Vot­ing would be the only thing that would stop Trump.

Sam Bankman Fried wont go before Con­gress because they want it to stay a civ­il suit. Who are SBFs par­ents? They are law pro­fes­sors at Stan­ford and their involve­ment in the FTX scheme has been the sub­ject of gos­sip among col­leagues at the uni­ver­si­ty. Dad­dy Bankman helped write Sen­a­tor War­rens tax code that failed. Mama Fried has a his­to­ry of donat­ing thou­sands to demo­c­rat cam­paigns. She is part of a Super PAC, Mind the Gap. She is close­ly tied to her son’s dona­tions to Democ­rats.

Take a look at this today, Repub­li­can report links Covid 19 to Chi­nese bioweapon pro­gram. Law­mak­ers sug­gest the virus reached humans via a lab-relat­ed inci­dent in Wuhan.

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