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Our Concern Is That Will Kevin Mccarthy Have The Nerve?

The omnibus bill is 4155 pages and is 1.7T in spend­ing.

Ukraine is get­ting 1.8 bil­lion in aid. Zelen­skyy is com­ing to the US to pick up the check and meet with the elite. Joe Biden is fast track­ing us into war. We could have stopped it before Rus­sia took their first steps into Rus­sia but they would rather have the US send bil­lions in aid.

Has any­one looked at the inva­sion of our south­ern bor­der? It is run by car­tels.

We spent a tril­lion dol­lars over 20 years in Afghanistan. The women are los­ing their right to edu­ca­tion and work under the Tal­iban.

There are peo­ple that dont have heat and are sleep­ing on the street in this coun­try. And we have seniors that are hav­ing to make a dis­cus­sion to buy food, med­i­cine, fuel to heat their home, or the prop­er­ty tax­es. Yet we sent mon­ey to this coun­try. We built roads and infra­struc­ture in this coun­try and our kids are killed and muti­lat­ed.

What is real­ly impor­tant today is the cri­sis on the south­ern bor­der. The mil­lions of ille­gals com­ing into the coun­try and they have food and hous­ing vouch­ers and free med­ical care. Yet you final­ly get to see Trumps tax­es.

Tes­la stock is going to come back. Elon took a $44 mil­lion risk on Twit­ter. Twit­ter has been used as a cor­rupt tool for the FBI and gov­ern­ment, not in the way it was intend­ed. It has been used to manip­u­late and shad­ow­ban the truth from get­ting out. The mar­ket­ing has been amaz­ing by Elon, Twit­ter has increased in activ­i­ty is amaz­ing. It was a win-win.

Our con­cern is that will Kevin McCarthy have the nerve?

FBI sends some­one inside Twit­ter, JIm Bak­er (tied to the Trump Russ­ian Hoax and sup­pressed the Hunter Biden Lap­top sto­ry). Elon fires Bak­er. Jim Bak­er was the Clin­ton go to speed dial con­tact.

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