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The Illegals Are Coming From All Over The World.

Net­flix has prob­a­bly already bought the rights to the Sam Bankman Fried sto­ry. The girl­friend has already flipped and is mak­ing a deal. Why is the media inter­est­ed in the dra­ma? This will be a made for TV dra­ma.

Unprece­dent­ed num­bers at the south­ern bor­der as Title 42 in lim­bo. They report the bor­der like title 42 is the issue. Biden has had 2 years to get the bor­der secure. Every­day it is a Trump era pol­i­cy that is the prob­lem. Remem­ber Kamala Har­ris was going to go down to the ori­gin of the prob­lem in South Amer­i­ca, not Ukraine. We were going to get them prop­er fund­ing and work on the infra­struc­ture and school and fix things down there so they would­nt want to approach our bor­der. Where are these peo­ple in the US? They are camped out along the Mex­i­can side of the bor­der.

The ille­gals are com­ing from all over the world. 98 on the ter­ror­ist watch list. The media wants to tell you they are migrants seek­ing asy­lum. The car­tels pay their bill to get them here. They have to fan out across the coun­try and set up car­tel branch offices to repay their debt to get here.

The DEA has seized enough fen­tanyl in 2022 to kill every sin­gle Amer­i­can. 50.6 mil­lion fake pills laced with fen­tanyl. Law enforce­ment makes a rou­tine stop, and they come in con­tact with fen­tanyl and imme­di­ate­ly they have to get nar­can.

2 years before they get a hear­ing and we are ask­ing them to come back. There is a back­log of 2 mil­lion cas­es. They are get­ting on bus­es and when the bus­es stop the ille­gals can get off at any time and nev­er get to their final des­ti­na­tion, and we dont know where they are at.

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