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The Spending Bill Is Being Pushed While Zelenskyy Is In Town Waiting On His Check.

Chi­na starts enlarg­ing anoth­er island in the south chi­na sea. Is any­one pay­ing atten­tion? These are man made islands that Chi­na start­ed mak­ing dur­ing the Oba­ma admin­is­tra­tion. The Chi­nese said they were build­ing the islands for the elite to vaca­tion. But they are strate­gic islands with airstrips.

Elec­toral count act reforms includ­ed with­in Biden’s $1.7 tril­lion bipar­ti­san bud­get deal. If they have to change the role of the Vice Pres­i­dent in the elec­toral count process then what could Mike Pence have done on Jan 6.

Any­time you hear bipar­ti­san repub­li­cans have sur­ren­dered.

The spend­ing bill was dropped at 1:30 in the morn­ing. They did­nt want to release the bud­get before the elec­tion. They want to put a 1.7 tril­lion dol­lar bill out there and its a win because we get 45 bil­lion for the mil­i­tary. The great­est threat to our coun­try is our debt. The woke projects in spend­ing bill pride cen­ters and wax muse­ums.

The spend­ing bill is being pushed while Zelen­skyy is in town wait­ing on his check.

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