Home / Shows / USMC eliminates sir and maam, Parent Speaks out on Transitioning her Daughter

USMC eliminates sir and maam, Parent Speaks out on Transitioning her Daughter

Marine corp is urged to stop call­ing instruc­tors sir or ma’am. Just call me by my rank.

There was­nt too much on Trump’s tax returns this morn­ing. If they go through Trump’s tax­es and they scru­ti­nize them as they will. There may be some wealthy peo­ple that are say­ing slow down because of what Trump has done. Remem­ber when Trump said he knows the sys­tem is cor­rupt because he used it.

Wash­ing­ton mom slams woke school ther­a­pist for social­ly tran­si­tion­ing her daugh­ter, 10. This is hap­pen­ing all across the coun­try unbe­knownst to the par­ents. They start the social tran­si­tion at 10 years old and a coun­selor will help with that. At 12 years, it is rec­om­mend­ed by our HHS assis­tant sec­re­tary Richard Rachel Lavine (a man thinks he’s a woman) for the puber­ty block­ers.

Gar­land Favoritos case still has stand­ing accord­ing to the Supreme Court. Every­thing has been pre­served in Ful­ton Coun­ty. We will have Gar­land on the show.

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