Home / News / Couple Of Issues To Be On The Lookout In The Next Few Days

Couple Of Issues To Be On The Lookout In The Next Few Days

There will be an inves­ti­ga­tion on the cam­paign fund of David Ral­ston. Ral­ston spent a lot of mon­ey on signs. And all the Ral­ston signs belong to his cam­paign. The ques­tion is who can use the mon­ey in David Ral­stons cam­paign, he is not alive to trans­fer the mon­ey. The signs are worth thou­sands and thou­sands of dol­lars and Sheree is using them.

This is sup­posed to be the hol­i­day Mon­day.

We have to watch out for the leg­is­la­tion change for Sec­tion 230. The com­mu­ni­ca­tion decen­cy act. Peo­ple on the right are want­i­ng to get rid of Sec­tion 230. Pay atten­tion to the amount of peo­ple on the left want­i­ng to get rid of sec­tion 230 and want­i­ng to go after big tech. It sounds good. You know when Amy Klobuchar and the left are excit­ed about bring­ing down big tech. They will take tech to a new lev­el to end free speech.

This is the last day for the Jan 6 com­mit­tee. The media is run­ning with all the footage they can. They are talk­ing about Trump’s tax returns. No mat­ter what report­ing you are watch­ing they arent report­ing that the tax returns are cor­rupt or ille­gal. Because so many oth­er cor­po­ra­tions use the same tax loop­holes that Trump used.

They want George San­tos to resign the rep­re­sen­ta­tive in NY for lying dur­ing the cam­paign.

Bar­bara Wal­ters has passed at 93

Why isnt this front page news? The guy took a machete and attacked the NYPD in Times Square. If this guy sup­ports Trump, it would be a ter­ror­ist attack and Trump would be the cause.

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