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Mental Health Bill Lobbyist Want To Put Healthcare Clinics In Schools


Remem­ber it took months to remem­ber to write the new year on the checks. Do peo­ple pay bills with checks any­more, who does it for you arti­fi­cial intelligence? 

They will steal any elec­tion. The cor­rup­tion is so bad. 

BKP talks about col­lege football. 

There is a spe­cial elec­tion tomor­row in north ga for GA House Dis­trict 7. The swamp is deter­mined to get Sheree Ral­ston in Atlanta. She is clue­less. She talks about the rela­tion­ships she has in the 10 years in Atlanta that will help her be a good rep­re­sen­ta­tive in North GA. The only thing she is run­ning on is men­tal health and her only claim to her leg­isla­tive suc­cess while being in the capi­tol. She says it is a work in progress. 

There is a lot of fog on the bill. This bill is total­ly designed to attack tra­di­tion­al mar­riage. It is designed to attack God Giv­en Nat­ur­al Birth Gen­der. God and only God can change the God Giv­en Gender. 

They want to put Health­care Clin­ics in our schools. They want to have the gov­ern­ment raise the kids because you won’t have to wor­ry about them tak­ing your guns because the next gen­er­a­tion won’t think they are nec­es­sary. Once the dinosaurs die out the kids don’t see a need for guns. The Health­care clin­ics and ser­vices are han­dled by the Depart­ment of Com­mu­ni­ty Health and if the par­ents don’t sup­port the 12 year old child and give them a men­tal health deci­sion that they say belongs to the child not the adults. They will be able to turn the par­ents into DFACS. Sheree Ral­ston cam­paigns on it and sup­ports as her #1 leg­isla­tive action. Why does Atlanta want her under the gold dome? 

There will be an inves­ti­ga­tion on the cam­paign of Sheree Ral­ston. Don’t go for the poor wid­ow woman. She hasn’t been mar­ried to him for 15 years. 

WE can sit in GA and we can talk about its the num­ber one place to do busi­ness and the jobs are every­where and the 6 bil­lion dol­lar sur­plus. And it doesn’t mean a damn thing if we don’t stand up and pro­tect our kids, pro­tect our par­ents, keep the drugs out of our district. 

Lob­by­ists say they want John­ny Chas­tain or Sheree Ral­ston to win the race. They fear the BKP win­ning the elec­tions. BKP promised to open the hood and expose what is going on in Atlanta. 

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