Home / Shows / Kid Wants To Join Taliban Attacks NYPD With Machete & McCarthy Struggling To Get The Votes

Kid Wants To Join Taliban Attacks NYPD With Machete & McCarthy Struggling To Get The Votes

They are rec­om­mend­ing we throw the masks back on the kids dur­ing triple­dem­ic

Tal­iban bans women from NGOs and uni­ver­si­ties. NGO is one of the top 5 scari­est things in the world today. The report about Afghanistan and the rad­i­cal Tal­iban has tak­en over. We will have zero proof that the ter­ror­ist was on the bal­cony that the bomb shed­ded him. But our gov­ern­ment and joe likes to say we did. What we did in Afghanistan and what we gave to Chi­na.
The machete attack sus­pect Trevor Bick­ford tar­get­ed the NYPD near Times Square. He want­ed to join the Tal­iban and die as a mar­tyr. If the diary the kid has said Trump one time, it would be the biggest sto­ry on what Trump has caused. Noth­ing about this as a ter­ror­ist attack as the kid attacks NYPD on New years Eve.

Biden mulls 2024 pres­i­den­tial run

2022 Stock and Bond mar­kets have had their worst year since 2008. Peo­ple are con­cerned as inter­est rates go up.

Remem­ber Dr. Mal­one. Elon musk opened his pro­file back up on twit­ter. IN 2023 the rea­son Kevin McCarthy is strug­gling to get all the votes he needs to get speak­er is because of what is about to be shared. When the repub­li­cans took the house we got John Bohn­er. Bipar­ti­san sup­port is that repub­li­cans have rolled over and sur­ren­dered. Free­dom of Speech is on the line in 2023. Then we fast for­ward to Paul Ryan and we had some real­ly good hear­ings and when it came time to get the sub­poe­nas, Paul Ryan was nowhere to be found. Mal­one tweets Gov­ern­ments all over the world work­ing with NGO and corp media deployed an infor­ma­tion war bat­tle plan against their cit­i­zens over the last 3 years to pro­mote exper­i­men­tal med­ical prod­ucts. This is uneth­i­cal and there must be con­se­quences. This has ZERO polit­i­cal par­ty iden­ti­fi­ca­tion, it is the truth. And McCarthy will not get the gav­el if he is not will­ing to go the dis­tance to expose the truth and do what needs to be done.

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