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Will McCarthy Do What Needs To Be Done To Reveal The Truth?


There is a list of a top 10 con­spir­a­cy the­o­ries that will come true in 2023
McCarthy speak­er­ship is in jeop­ardy as nine house repub­li­cans send sting­ing let­ter warn­ing appoint­ment would be a con­tin­u­a­tion of the past and ongo­ing failures. 

The 10 con­spir­a­cy the­o­ries that will come true in 2023 that if McCarthy isn’t on board in expos­ing will threat­en his speakership. 

We will find out the role the JOD played in Jan6. the fake select com­mit­tee and the role the gov­ern­ment played on Jan 6 

The dead­ly impact of COVID vac­cines will become unde­ni­able and Antho­ny Fauci’s role and all the COVID abus­es. If we can’t trust the gov­ern­ment and the phar­ma­ceu­ti­cal com­pa­nies to take the pills or shots that we need to get well. Where are we at? 

This year the scope of China’s con­trol of the US gov­ern­ment will become clear between the biden fam­i­ly and how black­rock has infil­trat­ed the WH and are writ­ing US for­eign pol­i­cy. We did every­thing in Afghanistan and gave it to China 

The true nature of David DePape’s rela­tion­ship with Paul Pelosi. They used this to manip­u­late an election. 

We will find out what Trump’s laugh­able Mar-a-Lago files con­tained this year. 

We will learn what Democ­rats intend to do with Joe Biden and who will be tapped to replace him. 

Dis­cov­er the truth in the US Ukraine part­ner­ship to research and devel­op bioweapons. There is some­thing to defend in Ukraine. All indi­ca­tions are that it is a CIA rat’s nest. 

The left­’s plans to nor­mal­ize and main­stream pedophil­ia will come to fruitions. The abil­i­ty to con­trol young minds is piv­otal to their long term plans for control. 

The WEF will lead the way in try­ing to turn humans into glo­ri­fied matrix style batteries 

The rela­tion­ship between big tech and spy agen­cies becomes clear­er, we will learn that our per­son­al devices are track­ing out every move. Rand Paul has warned the Amer­i­can peo­ple for years that our phones are used to mon­i­tor us in old Big Broth­er fashion. 

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