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NINE Republicans Arent Convinced McCarthy Has What It Takes

Noth­ing hap­pens until you get a speak­er of the house. No com­mit­tees, noth­ing. There is a group of 9 that wont vote. The 9 are not con­vinced that McCarthy has what needs to be done in expos­ing the cor­rup­tion. The one nego­ti­at­ed deal is to low­er the no con­fi­dence vote. Right now it is real­ly hard to vote the speak­er of the house out. So if he does­nt do what he needs to do they can vote him out.

This is what hap­pens. They nom­i­nate a speak­er of the House. The floor opens for nom­i­na­tions. The democ­rats even though they are in the minor­i­ty they could make a motion and nom­i­nate their can­di­date.

Twit­ter files release on Antho­ny Fau­ci

Trump blames GOP han­dling of abor­tion for midterms loss­es and issues that were poor­ly han­dled by repub­li­cans espe­cial­ly those who firm­ly insist and no excep­tions. Repub­li­cans lost on the issue.

A Flori­da school dis­trict that blocked a trans­gen­der stu­dent from using a boys bath­room won a fed­er­al appeal after a teenag­er sued. Sheree Ral­ston is ok with this girl going into a boys bath­room. She has sup­port­ed the orig­i­nal ver­sion on HB1013 and it sup­ports this

Bills are on the rise in Jan­u­ary.

George San­tos has lied on cam­paign

Joe Biden is going to have to sell the Amer­i­can peo­ple on the war in Ukraine. wE are pray biden wont pull our kids into a war.

The 9 repub­li­cans raise con­cerns about McCarthys speak­er­ship bid.

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