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David Ralston Deathbed Deal, Whos A Part Of It?

We are going to cre­ate a team to stop our law­mak­ers from being per­suad­ed to vote a dif­fer­ent way than the dis­trict is want­i­ng. This is our chance to turn things around in GA. If you are in GA and we con­tin­ue to look for a way to stop the cor­rup­tion and allow our rep­re­sen­ta­tives to vote the way we want them to vote it is our chance to change the sta­tus quo. We need to find a replace­ment to a state rep­re­sen­ta­tive dis­trict 9. We will give you the rea­son why this morn­ing. This per­son endorsed Sheree Ral­ston.

Today the House will elect a new speak­er of the House in GA. And it seems that Jon Burns is part of the David Ral­ston deathbed deal. We would love to know what the deathbed deal was. The Ral­ston fam­i­ly, David, no one let his dis­trict know he was sick. Every­thing was set in place the day David died for Jon Burns to be speak­er, Jon Burns to car­ry David Ral­ston agen­da into 2023, for Sheree Ral­ston to take Davids place and for Kemp to endorse Sheree. We are tired of a cho­sen group to make the deci­sion for the peo­ple. WE are tired of the back­room deals. In the past we elect these peo­ple and they are sup­posed to vote as the con­ser­v­a­tives that they promise us and then they get to Atlanta and they are pro com­mit­tee, pro lob­by­ists and pro what­ev­er the speak­ers say they are pro at. You get your com­mit­tee assign­ments based on how you kiss ass. The cor­rupt sys­tem can put a stop to the peo­ple at any giv­en time. If Kemp was a con­ser­v­a­tive he would get up and say that he would put a stop to the cor­rup­tion and turn the state back over to the peo­ple. But when you ask for an inves­ti­ga­tion or change the rules you are no longer the hard Geor­gians that Kemp loves.

We know that HB 1013 was a dark bill. And only 3 house mem­bers vot­ed against the bill. And Kemp went around how impor­tant it is that we are spend­ing mon­ey on men­tal health.

It is our under­stand­ing that Bar­ry Flem­ming was going to run for speak­er of the house. And there was a cer­tain house mem­ber that claimed his sup­port for bar­ry flem­ing so he could get on the phone call meet­ings to dis­cuss strat­e­gy so this rep­re­sen­ta­tive could take the infor­ma­tion back to Jon Burns. This rep­re­sen­ta­tive Will Wade. Will Wade knew the Ral­ston Deathbed deal. He is the rep­re­sen­ta­tive for Daw­son coun­ty the 9th dis­trict. He imme­di­ate­ly came out and sup­port­ed Sheree Ral­ston. He played the fence. Today Jon Burns will become the next speak­er of the House for the state of GA.

BKP is work­ing with many oth­ers to devel­op a plan for rep­re­sen­ta­tives that go against the estab­lish­ment and cor­rup­tion to have the mon­ey to fight.

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