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Speaking The Truth And Having The Facts Is Not An Attack

BKP got a call Fri­day after­noon about how he may need Sheree Ral­ston down the road. BKP spent the week­end think­ing about how all the peo­ple were cau­tion­ing him going against Kemp.

GA bull­dogs going back to back nation­al titles. Kemp Mar­ty and the girls ready to cheer on the Bull­dogs.

The GA House is in ses­sion today and vot­ing in Jon Burns as Speak­er of the House.

The action plan that BKP and oth­ers are work­ing on to ensure that we have rep­re­sen­ta­tives in Atlanta. Not just when they are home at the local restau­rant but also in Atlanta.

If an inves­ti­ga­tion real­ly took place, it would not be shock­ing that if Bri­an Kemp, its pos­si­ble that he could be the most cor­rupt gov­er­nor in the Unit­ed States. Fact is not Attack. If you’re out there speak­ing truth to pow­er and have the facts it is not attack.

YOu have heard so much about the rules pack­age and the deals made to get McCarthy the vote to be speak­er. The media loves the pic­ture of the con­flict in the house for the past 5 days of vot­ing. Rep­re­sen­ta­tive Rogers going after Gaetz. The Speak­er Fight.

Today they vote on the rules pack­age. Nan­cy Mace from South Car­oli­na is unsure if she can vote on the pack­age today. They are try­ing to get it all whipped up in a fren­zy.

If Kevin McCarthy, Steve Scalise and Elize Ste­fan­ic are the lead­ers, keep both eyes open.

Andrew Clyde from the 9th dis­trict of GA, when he makes a promise we can be assured that he will keep that promise. He wants to get the rules pack­age com­plet­ed and then after that he will come on the show at 8 am and will talk to us on the show to dis­cuss every­thing that took place. We will ask him what is in the rules pack­age that is dif­fer­ent. The rules pack­age is avail­able for all to read. What does he think is going to hap­pen? The graph­ic that Andrew has on his feed is Restor­ing the Peo­ple’s Voice in the Peo­ples House. All they want to do is return the pow­er to the peo­ple. Andrew Clyde will tell you exact­ly what is hap­pen­ing.

The media is whipped up into a fren­zy this morn­ing over the cre­ation of the com­mit­tee on the inves­ti­ga­tion of the FBI attack on the Amer­i­can peo­ple but the media is say­ing that the defense depart­ment is now a repub­li­can threat. There is not a repub­li­can in DC that wants to risk our nation­al defense secu­ri­ty or cut the fund­ing to our defense. There are some Amer­i­cans that are not ok with the FBI tar­get­ing the moth­ers and fathers going to board of edu­ca­tion meet­ings. We are not ok with what we are learn­ing com­ing from Twit­ter. We are not ok with the 50 CIA execs sign­ing the let­ter on the Hunter Biden lap­top.

Joe Biden goes to the bor­der. There is an amnesty bill. The deals are already done. Watch and see. We will ask Rep Clyde on his Texa Bor­der plan and his four pronged approach is. Will it mean amnesty with a deal between Mitch McConnell and Joe Biden.

Attor­ney Gen­er­al Andrew Bai­ley of MO vs our Attor­ney Gen­er­al Chris Carr.

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