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All Star Political Panel Talks About The House Votes, Economic Numbers, War In Ukraine & More

The recent freeze in North GA caused numer­ous bro­ken pipes and many cit­i­zens were with­out water for a num­ber of days. This is a reminder of how frag­ile our infra­struc­ture is. It does­nt take long for the world, region to get real chaot­ic. Ukraine is liv­ing with­out pow­er, no heat in the dead of win­ter, food short­age, and dont know when the next attack is hap­pen­ing, while Ukraines wife goes to Paris on a shop­ping spree.

Is whats hap­pen­ing in DC chaos? Some groups say it is the way things are sup­port­ed to work. Some are say­ing it is the worst thing that can hap­pen. The 20 rep­re­sent­ing their con­stituents and they are tired of what is hap­pen­ing in DC. Andrew Clyde told us weeks ago that con­ser­v­a­tives will run the house.

McCarthy is not a con­ser­v­a­tive and will not act on his own unless there is some­thing iron­clad to make him con­ser­v­a­tive. McCarthy past votes: He has vot­ed for same-sex mar­riage, vax man­di­date for mil­i­tary, vot­ed for the 100B for Ukraine, medicare to fund USPS, draft for women, sup­port­ed the J6 com­mit­tee and DC as the 51st state, and amnesty for DECA. McCarthy wants the speak­er­ship at all costs.

MTG went to con­gress as the most hat­ed mem­ber of con­gress and some­thing does­nt smell right with her sup­port for McCarthy. McCarthy sup­port­ed the House remov­ing MTG from com­mit­tees.

Eco­nom­ic News. US Auto sales low­est since 2011, Strate­gic Petro­le­um Reserves is at its low­est since 1983, Stronger than pre­dict­ed Job reports which may cause the mar­kets to go down, PMI is low­er for the sixth straight month, trade deficit is low­est since 2008–9, decrease in imports, con­sumer cred­it card debt is ris­ing. Some econ­o­mists are say­ing the Fed is ruin­ing the econ­o­my and dri­ving us into reces­sion to push into a sys­tem.

Is the pan­el con­cerned with a War in Ukraine? There was enough time to get weapons to stop Rus­sia from going into Ukraine. Is it pos­si­ble that one tac­ti­cal­ly nuke could­nt bring us into the War? Poland has the largest land army. Are we not set up for a world war? Even though there are dif­fer­ent play­ers, isnt the sce­nario laid out like WWII?

The foot­ball play­er that had a heart attack. He woke up yes­ter­day. This sit­u­a­tion with Damar is dif­fer­ent from the ath­letes that are dying on the field. The blunt force trau­ma is the cause of the car­diac arrest. But did­nt the NFL require the vac­cine?

CA puts into law about COVID mis­in­for­ma­tion.

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