Home / News / All Star Political Panel On The Reunion In KY, El Paso Visit, Fentanyl, Border & More

All Star Political Panel On The Reunion In KY, El Paso Visit, Fentanyl, Border & More

What about the kum­baya moment in KY? It was a per­fect exam­ple why the 20 need to stand their ground. Every bit of this mon­ey is pho­ny and it has­nt been cre­at­ed in a free mar­ket econ­o­my and isn’t backed up by any­thing sub­stan­tial.

What will hap­pen in El Paso with Bidens vis­it? Will any­thing hap­pen or will it be a pho­to op? It may just be a cam­paign slo­gan to stir peo­ple up. But these car­tels are run­ning the bor­der. And Trump has said that he will declare war on these car­tels, if elect­ed. There is no dif­fer­ence between what is hap­pen­ing in this coun­try and what is hap­pen­ing at the bor­der. It is com­plete law­less­ness. There used to be this word called a deter­rent. Peo­ple arent as crazy as they pre­tend to be, there just aren’t any con­se­quences for any wrong­do­ing.

There is enough Fen­tanyl to give every Amer­i­can a lethal dose that has crossed our south­ern bor­der. And the BIden admin­is­tra­tion isn’t stop­ping it from com­ing across the bor­der. When will the Amer­i­can peo­ple stand up? You can not have a wel­fare state with­out a secure bor­der. With the peo­ple that are com­ing across the bor­der, the wel­fare state will col­lapse. The cost to the school sys­tems, the hos­pi­tals, the hous­ing will all col­lapse.

Who reads his­to­ry any­more, there was work­force hous­ing long ago for the min­ers. And they went to the com­pa­ny store, went to the com­pa­ny house and the com­pa­ny bed. So is the gov­ern­ment now the com­pa­ny?

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