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BKP on the House of Representatives Votes


You are just watch­ing the process in Amer­i­ca and democ­ra­cy is not at stake. We are not going to col­lapse. Maybe it’s best they don’t work, because when Con­gress is dys­func­tion­al work­ing we lose mon­ey in our pock­ets. 11 votes have tak­en place and McCarthy can’t get to the 218. It is not an embar­rass­ment for the repub­li­cans. This is a pull at the deep state. This is a bat­tle between sav­ing amer­i­can and the deep state. We know that McCarthy is not a conservative. 

We cringed to take John Boehn­er and Paul Ryan and we are not accept­ing this again. What they do in lead­er­ship, this is what we have to work on at the state lev­el, if a mem­ber of con­gress doesn’t vote the way the lead­er­ship says they have to vote the leader will find a can­di­date to pri­ma­ry against the sit­ting rep­re­sen­ta­tive for not fol­low­ing the leadership. 

The 20 is deter­mined to give the pow­er back to the peo­ple. All you are watch­ing is the process. And you are watch­ing real con­ser­v­a­tives using the process to take the pow­er out of the speak­er’s office and give the pow­er back to the peo­ple and hav­ing a true rep­re­sen­ta­tive of the dis­tricts. McCarthy has had months to make a deal. 

Kevin thought he would have such a major­i­ty that he would be able to tell the 20 to go pound sand. It did­n’t hap­pen that day. NOw he needs those 20. McCarthy is not chang­ing, he is mak­ing deals. 

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