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Documents Found in Joe Bidens Possession

The media spin­ning Joes clas­si­fied doc­u­ments is not a big deal. Media is run­ning cov­er for Biden. When is the FBI going to raid the White House, says Trump. If 1 top secret doc­u­ment, how is that not as bad as 50. The fact that the media is try­ing to min­i­mize the seri­ous­ness of tak­ing doc­u­ments peri­od. Before the elec­tion it was noth­ing but the doc­u­ments. We watched this whole dra­ma thing play out, know­ing that Oba­ma, Clin­ton etc all have tak­en doc­u­ments. But Biden was a VP and he did not have the pow­er to declas­si­fy any­thing. This is very seri­ous. They are using the media to cre­ate a legal pros­e­cu­tion nar­ra­tive on Trump and the same media is cre­at­ing a legal nar­ra­tive of not guilty on Biden.

Biden goes to the bridge in OH and has an amaz­ing moment accord­ing to the dra­ma media. Then Biden finds the bor­der and has an amaz­ing moment in El Paso. Then he has an amaz­ing moment in Mex­i­co where he dis­cov­ers fen­tanyl. The day after a col­lege foot­ball game, they drop the Biden doc­u­ment sto­ry for a quick cov­er up. How cor­rupt is this coun­try?

On Mon­day Bidens lawyers con­firmed that 10 doc­u­ments were found on Novem­ber 2 at the Penn Biden Cen­ter office in DC, just days before the midterms elec­tions. They wait until Biden is out of the coun­try and tak­ing a firm stance on the bor­der and the drugs com­ing across the bor­der. Mitch McConnell knows this infor­ma­tion and was will­ing to reach across the aisle work­ing on the dev­as­tat­ing bills that have been passed.

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