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These Stories are More Important that the Speaker of the House

Bri­an has nev­er run for office before. But he was deter­mined that the peo­ple of the dis­trict would hear the issues. And the can­di­dates did talk about the issues. Bri­an had a meet­ing with can­di­date John­ny Chas­tain yes­ter­day. John­ny asked for Bri­an’s help with the issues. Bri­an is endors­ing John­ny Chas­tain for House Dis­trict 7. He needs your help to get elect­ed.
It is a fear in 2023 that Joe Biden is run­ning as fast as he can to put our kids in a war in Ukraine. The found­ing fathers say that the gov­ern­ment is to defend us. US edges clos­er to send­ing armored weapons to Ukraine by send­ing Bradley fight­ing vehi­cles to Ukraine. Remem­ber the line in the sand that if some­one uses chem­i­cal weapons we have no choice but go to war. The US has pro­voked Putin numer­ous times in this con­flict. Before Rus­sia went across the bor­der we had an oppor­tu­ni­ty to stop the con­flict but it was nev­er the intent because Ukraine is a laun­dro­mat. The war in Ukraine is a huge mon­ey mak­er for the war­mon­gers of the world. Rus­sia deployed nuclear weapons in Crimea and Belarus. They are going to push Putin to launch a low grade nuke to send a mes­sage and cause mass destruc­tion. And then the next thing you know is your kids will be sent to Ukraine or Poland or Ger­many or anoth­er oth­er NATO coun­try to get ready for WW3.
Ama­zon to lay off 18K work­ers. Sales­force announc­ing 8K lay­offs. Pay atten­tion to what is about to hap­pen.
Bidens first vis­it to the bor­der.
Wal­greens and CVS are the first major nation­al phar­ma­cy stores to sell the abor­tion pill. Repub­li­cans blew this so bad dur­ing the elec­tion. If Bri­an Kemp is pro-life he will ask the House and Sen­ate. If State Sen­a­tor Gooch is pro-life. These leg­is­la­tors would pro­mote a bill that will stop the online doc­tors from writ­ing a pre­scrip­tion for the abor­tion pills. There is a lot of noise about abor­tion facil­i­ties clos­ing. We are up to now where the major­i­ty of abor­tions in this coun­try are done via a pill, then the over­turn­ing of Roe v Wade has no pow­er to it.
The Boston Tran­sit Author­i­ty is remov­ing the vac­cine man­date and offer­ing the jobs to the employ­ees they fired for not get­ting the vac­cine.
If we want to restore Amer­i­can great­ness and return pow­er to the peo­ple the last thing we need to wor­ry about is whether or not McCarthy is Speak­er or not.
Cal­i­for­nia Assem­bly­man wants teach­ers to help stu­dents to get sex change oper­a­tions. Zbur lead­er­ship grew into one of the state’s most pow­er­ful lob­by­ing groups aimed at boost­ing LGBTQ equal­i­ty in schools. They care more about a young lady that is devel­op­ing and cut­ting off her breasts than whether or not a 8th grade minor­i­ty can read or write.
They are work­ing on this as a nation­al agen­da. Safe and Sup­port­ive Schools Report Card.

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