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Where Is Chris Carr? Is He Busy Fighting Drug Cartels, Big Tech, Government Corruption?


BKP talks col­lege football. 

Don­ald Trump did play a part of the Speak­er Elec­tion and the media is run­ning wild. Round 14 McCarthy came up short. There was a vote of adjourn­ment after the vote. And some­one was pulled a red card to change their vote to adjourn and back on the floor for vote #15.

The first les­son for new repub­li­cans is that Bri­an Kemp, Chris Carr, Will Wade are not real repub­li­cans. Our hope is that Burt Jones is the same Burt Jones that defend­ed and sup­port­ed Don­ald J Trump in Jan 2021. We are tired of the state of GA being told that we must vote red. That is a mind con­trol manip­u­la­tion that has been suc­cess­ful by Bri­an Kemp, Nathan Deal, David Ral­ston and the list goes on. That has to stop. 

We had an oppor­tu­ni­ty to get anoth­er AG in GA. But Chris Carr is at the foot­ball game and his ass kiss­ing Bri­an Kemp. HIgh­light­ing the Cham­ber of Com­merce stuff. Yet Chris is busy not fight­ing drug car­tels, the real cor­rup­tion in the state, big tech and he is at the foot­ball game. MO has a true AG, tweet­ing out the Biden admin­is­tra­tion col­lud­ing with social media. 

Remem­ber the court case Judge Bri­an Amero and Voter­GA. And Judge Bri­an Amero acknowl­edges enough proof of fraud and was work­ing out a deal to do a full foren­sic audit and remem­ber it was out SOS Brad Raf­fensperg­er who par­tic­i­pat­ed in the Jan 6 spe­cial com­mit­tee and Fani Willis Ful­ton Coun­ty DA kan­ga­roo court and her spe­cial Grand Jury. On that court case that Judge Amero had, the SOS goes to the attor­ney that he has and they do every­thing to stop the inves­ti­ga­tion into the 2020 election. 

Remem­ber all of a sud­den Judge Amero said that Voter­GA doesn’t have stand­ing. WE know that this hap­pens at the begin­ning of the case. With the help of the SOS and AG all of a sud­den we don’t have stand­ing. Now there was a rul­ing on the Sons of Con­fed­er­ate case that they have stand­ing and it will open the door for Voter­GA to have standing. 

Bri­an Kemp, Raf­fensperg­er and Chris Carr unless we get an inves­ti­ga­tion. We have the repub­li­can par­ty of ga that the cheer­lead­ing is vot­ed red. We have our coun­ty con­ven­tions com­ing up March 11 and vote in Coun­ty GOP chairs that are not ready to move past. You will have to go and be a del­e­gate. Then you have to go to the Dis­trict con­ven­tion, and then the state con­ven­tion. We have to put a stop to them. 

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