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The Smoke Screen of the Week is the Documents

  • The smoke screen of the week is the doc­u­ments.
  • We will put Ukraini­ans on our soil to train them on the patri­ot sys­tem.
  • Biden says he was sur­prised the doc­u­ments were found. He is always sur­prised. He is coop­er­at­ing with the clas­si­fied docs probe. Gar­land to decide whether the Biden docs sit­u­a­tion war­rants crim­i­nal probe. The side by side com­par­i­son. The doc­u­ments were con­cealed from the Amer­i­can peo­ple before an elec­tion. Biden was VP at the time and had zero author­i­ty. Trump has the argu­ment that Trump was pres­i­dent of the Unit­ed States to declas­si­fy the doc­u­ments. Joe Biden was VP, and had zero author­i­ty to take 1 doc­u­ment. We have too in Amer­i­ca to stop the manip­u­la­tion of our elec­tions. The steal­ing of our elec­tions, we have to stop it. This was con­cealed. We knew in Oct of 2020 that hunter Biden’s lap­top was real. We had so much infor­ma­tion in 2020 that we knew was real that was kept from the Amer­i­can peo­ple. Along with bal­lot har­vest­ing, drop box­es, elec­tron­ic device hacks, etc all togeth­er was manip­u­lat­ed to steal the elec­tion. Every­thing elec­tron­ic can be manip­u­lat­ed. We dont have to take our elec­tions to AI. the infor­ma­tion was con­cealed. The real inves­ti­ga­tion has to be who allowed this infor­ma­tion to be hid­den before the last elec­tion, maybe repub­li­cans could have won more seats and dif­fer­ent elec­tion results across the coun­try. But we con­tin­ue to have all this cor­rup­tion with big tech chang­ing the out­come.

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