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Debt Limit Deadline Approaching, Was NOTAM a Failure or Set Up?

  • Horace Coop­er on Fox news Sun­day. Great state­ments on Fox News.
  • We have had oppor­tu­ni­ties to close this bor­der off over the last 5 years. Will politi­cians kill your kids in order to have cheap labor? This is Deb­bie Stabenow (D). Every 5 years we redo a farm bill in this coun­try. Guess what is com­ing up. You will need to check every dot with this farm bill. And pay atten­tion to the repub­li­cans inter­est in the farm bill, maybe linked to immi­gra­tion reform.
  • They have gone nuts over San­tos. An ethics vio­la­tion served last week. This guy has lied about every­thing his entire life. It is humor­ous because the media has found a lying politi­cian.
  • They want you to believe the debt ceil­ing, pay atten­tion this is a set up. Remem­ber last week we had the NOTAM sys­tem that failed. And appar­ent­ly 1 per­son can shut this sys­tem down. The FAA has 3–4 peo­ple work on this and they can say it is by acci­dent. Look up the new FAA woke poli­cies. Look how much time and mon­ey has been spent to trans­form it to a woke orga­ni­za­tion. All of a sud­den at 6:30 in the morn­ing it was shut down. It is used as a tool.
  • Debt ceil­ing. Debt lim­it dead­line. Repub­li­cans are deter­mined to stop the out of con­trol spend­ing. They have the nerve to tell you this isnt new spend­ing. This is mon­ey that has already been print­ed.
  • GA has a $6 bil­lion dol­lar sur­plus in pho­ny mon­ey. This is the mon­ey that was sent to GA due to ARP. yet GA brags of the sur­plus of fed­er­al print­ed mon­ey
  • White House calls for debt ceil­ing increase. They are try­ing to put McCarthy and repub­li­cans in a box. The last time the debt ceil­ing cri­sis came up. Let’s see what hap­pens. Let’s send a let­ter to our cred­i­tors. US to hit debt ceil­ing as ear­ly as Thurs­day.
  • There were tril­lions that were approved for our air­ports in the infra­struc­ture bill. And we could­nt fig­ure out where the mon­ey was to fund the FAA. Was NOTAM down at a con­ve­nient time?
  • Repub­li­cans nev­er come out on top with mid­dle ground con­ver­sa­tions. It is always repub­li­cans sur­ren­der­ing. We have too many that are my way or the high­way. Is it the 20 repub­li­cans that are stand­ing strong?
  • Let’s see what hap­pens. Is the col­lapse in the future cards that they arent talk­ing about.

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