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AG Garland Knew About Bidens Documents When He Issued Special Council for Trump

  • We know on Nov 4 the DOJ learned of the doc­u­ments in Biden’s office.
  • GA, we have SB 202 is sup­posed to clear the way for the state board of elec­tions to make a rec­om­men­da­tion after an inves­ti­ga­tion on whether the state should take over a coun­ty elec­tion board. We all know the cor­rup­tion in Ful­ton coun­ty. And we know Ful­ton coun­ty was used to steal the elec­tion. And we know there was an inves­ti­ga­tion in Ful­ton coun­ty with the pos­si­bil­i­ty of tak­ing the coun­ty board pri­or to the 2022 elec­tion. And we found out that it could not be com­plet­ed pri­or to the 2022 elec­tion. Now, the state review pan­el has looked into the Ful­ton coun­ty elec­tions and rec­om­mends not to take over.
  • Peter Ducey made every head­line this week­end. There is Joe back­ing the vet into the garage that Hunter owned the house or paid the rent. We dont know who has vis­it­ed the house in Delaware. We dont have any­one from the FBI going through the clos­ets. They want the Amer­i­can peo­ple to think that there is a box with some doc­u­ments and then there is 1 here and there. It is a set up. We dont have a raid on any of Joe’s homes. Did­nt they go through Trump Tow­er, Bed­min­ster, or was it just Mar-a-Lago? We dont have reports of them going through Jills clos­et or pic­tures of the doc­u­ments.
  • When AG Mer­rick Gar­land comes out on Nov 18, he knows about Joes doc­u­ments in his office at Penn Cen­ter, when he announces the spe­cial coun­cil for Don­ald Trumps doc­u­ments at Mar-a-Lago.
  • Bot­tom line. Both Biden and Trump had very sen­si­tive doc­u­ments found. On Trump’s side there will be a very deep con­sti­tu­tion­al debate on the issue. It may end up in the supreme court. But the vice pres­i­dent does­nt have any author­i­ty, zero. They will talk about it being a shab­by pack­ing job by the staff. These are Oba­ma admin­is­tra­tion doc­u­ments. But accord­ing to the media, It is irrel­e­vant if Joe is coop­er­at­ing.

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