Home / Featured Segments / Kemp, Elite Globalist, in Davos While GA House Hashes Out Kemps $32.5B Budget

Kemp, Elite Globalist, in Davos While GA House Hashes Out Kemps $32.5B Budget

  • Kemp is the glob­al­ist elite. He is in Davos while the leg­is­la­tors are work­ing out Kem­p’s 32.5 bil­lion bud­get, includ­ing $1 for schools, $567 mil­lion in pay rais­es, a bump in HOPE schol­ar­ship fund­ing, fund­ing for pub­lic health pro­grams and big mon­ey to train ev work­ers.
  • In the last year we have heard about Joe Biden and stu­dent loan for­give­ness. Are there any law mak­ers say­ing wait a minute we have a cri­sis in our uni­ver­si­ty sys­tem. WE use gam­bling to fund the HOPE schol­ar­ship. They will attempt to get sports bet­ting and casi­nos in GA this year. We have a major lob­by­ist group for casi­nos in the state.
  • Den­nis Futch is run­ning for GOP chair. David Schaf­fer may be get­ting indict­ed. We have an estab­lish­ment prob­lem in GA. We need an exter­mi­na­tor to get rid of them.
  • In March 2022, spe­cial coun­sel in Wis­con­sin found that Zucker­berg’s $9 mil­lion to pro­vide to local boards of elec­tions vio­lat­ed the states bribery laws. In GA, zucker­berg invest­ed large amounts of mon­ey in GA elec­tions. Before SB 202, the amaz­ing elec­tion bill mak­ing it eas­i­er to vote and hard­er to cheat., you could get elec­tion grants right to the elec­tion office. So the Ful­ton coun­ty elec­tion board could sub­mit an appli­ca­tion for that zucker­berg grant for elec­tion costs. Why would any coun­ty take elec­tion grants? The Amer­i­can peo­ple should pay for the elec­tions in their coun­ties. Elec­tion grants should nev­er be allowed, its bribery. Drop box­es were not in the law. Every state house in Amer­i­ca should be reel­ing back all exec­u­tive orders for their gov­er­nors. SB202 now makes elec­tion grants legal but they have to be sent to the coun­ty com­mis­sion and put in the gen­er­al fund and dis­persed to the elec­tion board. And drop box­es are legal.
  • Kemps in Davos get­ting the green light. He is get­ting acco­lades for being the Trump slay­er.
  • Every com­mu­ni­ty in Amer­i­ca is a bor­der com­mu­ni­ty. 4–5 mil­lion ille­gals, where are they? That bil­lion dol­lar increase in your state bud­get may be cov­er­ing the cost for the ille­gals in your schools.

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